How To Study The Bible

How To Study The Bible

Spending time alone with God is vital if you want to grow as a Christian. Learning to study the Bible and pray are two important practices.

Listed below we give some advice about how to do this. These words of advice are not intended to be rules, simply some ideas about how best you can develop this important discipline in your life. The important thing is that you carry out a plan that will allow you to connect with God on an ever deeper level.

Before you begin, consider the things you need: Bible, notebook, pen (Optional: Songbook)

Pray, Praise & Thank

First of all, prepare your heart, by offering up praise and thanksgiving.

Ask the Lord to open your mind and heart. (Psalm 119:18; Ephesians 3:20)

Spend time focused on praise and thanksgiving. (Psalms 100, 103, 139, 145)

Spend time in confession. Ask God for cleansing. (Psalm 139:23, 24; I John 1:19; Psalm 51)

Read and Meditate in the Word

Read a short chapter or portion of Scripture. (It may be best to read consecutively through a book.) We recommend that you start with Mark, John or the Psalms.

Use a highlighter or pencil crayons to underline thoughts that grab your attention. Watch for key phrases and words.

Another important study technique is to meditate on the passage or portion that you have read.

Meditation Questions:

In addition, use the following meditation questions to help you get focused.

S – Is there a sin you need to confess, forsake or set right?

P – Is there a promise that you need to ask God to fulfill for you?

E – Is there an example that you can follow/not follow?

C – Is there a command that you need to obey?

K – Is there any knowledge about the Father, Son or Holy Spirit you need to make note of?


Intercession is the discipline of praying for the needs of others and yourself (See Matthew 5:11)

Study The Bible

Pray for family, friends (Christians and non-Christians), missionaries, spiritual leaders, your home country, etc.

Pray for yourself. Pray about your walk with God, character change, witness, decisions, relationships, issues, etc.

Another useful idea is to use the “Prayer Hand” to help you to pray effectively. Each finger represents a type of prayer that you can do.

Practical Suggestions

Decide on a time and place where you can avoid distractions. Establish a good routine. Find a quiet room in the house. Furthermore, set a regular time, rather than just studying when you think you have time. Many choose to meet God first thing in the morning.

As much as possible stay awake and alert. Sit for a while; walk around; pray verbally; pray quietly in a whisper or soft voice.

Write down your thoughts or ideas.

A Couple of Quotes

Here are a couple of quotes to motivate you. The first is from E.M. Bounds, a famous Christian. You can read more of his quotes here.

“God’s acquaintance is not made hurriedly. He does not bestow His gifts on the casual or the hasty comer and goer. To be much alone with God is the secret of knowing Him and of influence with Him.” (E.M. Bounds)

The second quote is from the author of the Old Testament book of Lamentations, probably the prophet, Jeremiah.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait on Him, to the soul that seeks Him.” Lamentations 3:24

If you are still not sure how to spend time alone with God, or you would like to get started and need help, please contact us.

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